MP5SD with MP5 SD Silencer (normal MP5s with Silencers attached to the muzzle will not work shooting them subsonic): RIP, PSO gzh or GT. VSS/ASVAL and any ammo (they are all designed to be subsonic)ħ.62 and 5.45 US ammo, any AK with any Silencer will work The simonov semi automatic carbine sks 7 62x39 sks is an assault carbine in escape from tarkov. Description edit edit source sks shot sound suppressor from the hexagon company. Subsonic Ammo and their weapons currently in EFT: Regular sv 98 7 62x54 silencer sv 98 sil is a suppressor in escape from tarkov. Be aware that longer barrels change the velocity of the rounds fired and thus might make them fast enough to break the sound barrier, resulting in a loud cracking sound even while silenced. Some people say subsonic works and some say it does not, even BSG said subsonic ammo is a WIP so I can't really say something about the mechanic but here is a list of current weapons + ammo who will shoot subsonic if they are configured a certain way.