The piloted unit can't have more than one Pilot." Treat all of a unit's Pilot abilities for a sub-type as a single Pilot ability for that sub-type. Ignore all other text on this card except its name, sub-type and health.

" that means, "You may move this card onto or off of a non-Droid Space or Ground unit of the correct sub-type once during the build step. Pilot Pilot: A layered, static ability written as " Pilot. You may choose to roll any number of dice up to the Lucky value. You can't re-roll more dice than are rolled for the attack. Lucky is used only once after all triggered re-roll effects resolve. Keywords Lucky Lucky X: A cumulative, static ability that means, "Each time this unit attacks or is attacked, you may re-roll up to X of this unit's attack dice or have your opponent re-roll up to X attack dice against this unit." Both players can use Lucky effects according to the rules for POP chances.